Taking your Employees Along: Interviews to Drive Change

A good leader always takes the team along. When this bank wanted to take their disability hiring to the next level, the leadership team wanted to build it from the ground up. With our help, they held 1-on-1 interviews & group discussions with their PwD disabled and non-PwD disabled staff to identify all the areas that were successful, and the things that had to be fixed. This gave space for all the staff to be heard, and ensured the leadership had the buy-in of all the levels of their organization!


The best way for a leader to track how much your organization is adhering to Incluzza is to communicate with your PwD and non-PwD employees and get a good idea about what is happening on the ground, and what the expectations for the future are. This is what our 1-on-1 interviews, survey and Focus Group Discussions will provide.

What do you get

Depending on the employees that have to be interviewed, the experts will recommend:

You might have to do one or more to get a holistic view. Our team will engage with you, and develop a timeline and a personalized plan, with the necessary items prioritized based on the feedback from the employees. A report with findings and analysis will be submitted

Cost: INR 60,000 (10 interviews) onwards for 1 on 1 interviews

INR 35,000 onwards for Focus Group Discussions

Cost to be determined for the Survey

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