Inclusive leaders are necessary to drive inclusive strategies, and this cannot be done unless they have a diverse set of competencies. Using an experimental and interactive course, we will help leaders develop their Includability Quotient™ , a competency designed for leaders to get the best out of themselves and their teams in an increasingly diversifying global economy.
As a leader, you have a vision for your organization, and we can help ensure that your policies and practices work towards that vision.
Taking your Employees Along: Interviews to Drive Change
Maximizing your Inclusive Vision by Redefining Existing Policies and Practices
Building Includable Leaders through IncQ™
What Our Clients Say
“[Incluzza] efforts to fully understand the requirements & expertise in the field helped us identify a great potential. The additional support in sensitizing our managers, panel members & peers and the post-placement periodic checks enabled us to offer a conducive work environment for fresh talent.”
Applied Materials India Private Limited (AMAT)
“The partnership between [Incluzza] and us was to promote inclusion & accessibility services during the COVID-19 response activities. This implemented our principle of ‘Leave No One Behind’. These services helped us disseminate vital information on COVID-19 amongst people with disability at the grassroot level.”
Handicap International
“We have gotten support for sensitizing, raising awareness about sign language, right use of terminology for persons with disability, as well as help in recruitment process. Together, we have signed up for the Valuable 500 commitment, ensuring that disability is on our leadership agenda. Our first batch was trained 10 years ago, and the relationship [with Incluzza] continues even during the pandemic.”
“When including neurodiverse talent in our workforce, [Incluzza's] expertise offered us valuable insights on moving forward with an internship program with 30 neurodiverse individuals. Specifically, their support with sensitization workshops & employability skills training helped us immensely in our efforts to achieve our D&I vision.”
Thomson Reuters
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